....Means mommy can sew (since all my cooking and chores are done)
I made a wetbag for Luke, since we don't have a little one and have been using eco friendly but unattractive grocery bags. I also made one for his playmate, it was fun making a girl version too.
I am also working on some wool houndstooth pants for Luke!
Also, I saw a part of a program on tv today, talking about people who are nannies. They said that a "12 hour day" is too long and they think it is best for these people to be sure and rest and take time for themselves when they get home, so they can be at their best when they are back with the kids. They reminded them that eating right and often is also important.
Anyways, do any of you SAHMs get the question "WHAT do you do ALLLLL day?!"
I do. My reply is that I sit on the couch and eat ice cream and cake.
But really, next time I have to fill it out on the form I am going to put:
Nanny, teacher, chef, errand runner, personal stylist, professional organizer and maid for a family of 3. Often work overtime.
Don't get me wrong, I give myself credit for what I do, its just funny how people react when you say "stay at home mom" or you say anything listed above.